
Hiking Risk Assessment Training Hosted at King Khalid Royal Reserve

The Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve Development Authority, in collaboration with the Saudi Climbing and Hiking Federation, hosted a two-day training course on hiking risk assessment at the King Khalid Royal Reserve.

Twenty-five participants, including tourist guides, hiking enthusiasts, and local community members, took part in the course, which aimed to equip attendees with essential skills to identify potential hazards faced by outdoor sports practitioners.

Participants learned how to analyze and assess risks, avoid common hiking mistakes, and understand security and safety strategies, including emergency risk management techniques.

A key component of the course was the five-step risk assessment process: identifying hazards and their causes, determining who might be at risk, evaluating the level of each hazard, controlling and mitigating risks, and practical field applications with realistic simulations based on likely hazards in diverse mountainous and desert terrains.

The course underscores
the continuous collaboration between the Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve Development Authority and the Saudi Climbing and Hiking Federation, which aims to share expertise and hone the skills of participants in tourism activities at the Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve and King Khalid Royal Reserve.

Source: Saudi Press Agency