
I hope the trip to Russia will be a turning point in improving relations / Tehran and Moscow can take steps to break the dominance of the dollar over monetary and banking relations

The President said, “I hope that the visit to Russia will be a turning point in improving relations with the friendly and neighbouring country of Russia, and that the combination of these relations will help improve the level of security in the region and resolve regional and global crises”.

Upon returning from a two-day visit to Russia, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi told reporters about the achievements of the visit, “The topics of discussion in this visit were in line with the realisation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy, which is maximum interaction with world countries, especially allies”.

Noting that a fundamental agreement was reached during the visit to expand comprehensive, stable and beneficial relations between the two countries, the President added, “Undoubtedly, the development of relations with Russia will contribute to the security and welfare of the two nations”.

“During this trip, we also discussed the issue of money and banking between the two countries,” Dr Raisi said.

The President continued, “Our Minister of Petroleum also had good agreements with Russian energy officials in the field of development of oil and gas fields”.

Ayatollah Raisi also added, “In the field of trade, it was agreed to remove trade barriers and to boost trade between the two countries. Currently, the level of trade between the two countries is not acceptable, so the two countries agreed to increase trade to $10 billion a year in the first step”.

The President noted, “The two countries also agreed to identify the agricultural potential as well as the appropriate areas for the exchange of agricultural goods between the two sides in order to increase the exchange of agricultural goods”.

Dr Raisi further stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran has very good capacities in the field of transit and transportation, and said, “During this trip, it was agreed to activate the north-south corridor”.

The President added, “During this visit, good talks were also held on the expansion of defence, aerospace and space cooperation, and it was decided that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Petroleum, as the head of the Iranian side of the Joint Economic Commission, will implement the agreements reached between the two countries”.

Ayatollah Raisi continued, “In the field of foreign policy, the first point that was raised in the talks was the issue of common positions and perceptions that exist between foreign developments between the two countries. This common understanding will expand cooperation between the two countries”.

“There is no doubt that cooperation between Iran and Russia can help resolve regional crises and international issues and promote security, stability, peace and justice,” he said.

“For example, the experience of good cooperation between Iran and Russia in the fight against terrorism and maintaining security in Syria can be repeated in other areas, including the Caucasus region and other areas agreed upon by both sides,” said Raisi.

Dr Raisi pointed out, “Today, the presence of Islamic Iran in the region as an independent and powerful country is a security-building presence, and neighbouring countries witnessed that wherever Iran was present, contrary to the presence and interference of foreigners who created a security problem for the region, it has created security”.

The President expressed hope that the issues raised during his three-hour meeting with the Russian President would be operationalised as soon as possible.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran