
ICJP to prosecute UK officials on helping Israel commit crimes in Gaza

LONDON, The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) announced Saturday its intention to prosecute some British government ministers on charges of helping the Israeli occupation commit war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The London-based center said in a statement that it informed British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with a stark warning about its intention to sue individually a number of British ministers and officials for their role in aiding the Israeli occupation forces to commit war crimes.

Those officials and ministers could be held accountable individually for their role in providing political, economic and military support to the Israeli occupation forces, it pointed out.

This remarkable step comes at a time when Scotland Yard’s War Crimes Unit opened calls to offer evidence pertaining to war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the statement noted.

It noted that “in an incredible turn of events, this could lead to British government officials be prosecuted” for war crimes by Scotland Yard.

The center said that its decision to prosecute those officials comes in response to Israeli authorities’ directives to 1.2 million people in Gaza to immediately leave their homes in northern Gaza and move towards the south.

The blockade of Gaza, and restricting electricity, food, water and other basic needs constitute collective punishment, which is also a war crime under the Geneva Convention, it said.

Meanwhile, ICJP Co-Director Crispin Blunt called on Sunak to divert himself and his government from a serious policy error by helping the Israeli aggression to commit crimes in the Strip.

Blunt, former Chair of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a press statement that he was not sure whether his colleagues in the state realize are aware of legal danger they face.

He elaborated that international law in this regard is clear as it considers anyone who helps to commit war crimes should bear full responsibility.

Source: Kuwait News Agency