Foreign Affairs

Integrity Commission issues (52) arrest and summons orders against a number of senior officials and those with higher ranks during the month of May

The Federal Integrity Commission revealed all arrest and summons orders issued and executed against a number of senior officials and those with higher ranks during the month of May.

It stated in a statement: that the judicial authorities issued (52) arrest and summons orders; against the backdrop of cases investigated by the Commission’s investigation directorates and offices in Baghdad and the provinces and referred to the judiciary, explaining: among those orders issued against (52) senior officials with higher ranks for the period from (1-31/5/2023), (7 ) arrest warrants and (45) summons warrants.

It added: The orders included a former member of the House of Representatives, two former Ministers, two former others, a current Undersecretaries and (3) former others, in addition to (3) current governors and two former and two former governors. The orders also included (15) current director generals, and ( 16) former ones, as well as (5) members of the provincial councils./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency