
Iran annual report of violation of human rights by UK, US

Tehran, IRNA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has issued an annual report of violation of human rights by the United States and the United Kingdom.

The annual report, which has been published in accordance with a Parliament law passed in 2012, emphasizes that both American and British governments have played key role in the most controversial conflicts and riots throughout the world, while both states claim that they are flagbearer of human rights.

The two governments have tried to intervene in internal affairs and human rights situation of other countries and adopt interfering stances.

The statesmen of both states have determined the so-called support for human rights in line with their own short-term and long-term political interests; so, they have utilized the human rights issue as a tool to pursue their priorities at international level.

The two countries resorted to human rights in order to impose inhuman policies such as economic sanctions and political pressures on other nations in particular independent ones.

The facts and figures on the ground, however, prove that both the US and the UK violate human rights in numerous occasions at the same time when they accuse other states of infringing human rights tenets.

The situation indicates that Washington and London are not qualified to assess the human rights condition in other countries, and they are not entitled to claim humanitarian policies.

Since the Iranian Parliament’s law asks the Foreign Ministry to prepare annual reports of violation of human rights in the US and the UK, the ministry presents the latest report based on official documents provided by several human rights organizations on domestic and international violations against women, migrants and races in 2022.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA