
Iran asks for immediate termination of unjustified anti-Syrian sanctions

New York, IRNA – Iran’s permanent ambassador to UN referring to devastative recent quake in Syria and prevailing humanitarian catastrophe there, asked for immediate and unconditional termination of unjustified anti-Syrian sanctions and increased humanitarian aids.

Amir-Saeed Iravani who was speaking at the Tuesday UN Security Council Meeting on Syria, added, “The recent devastating quake has further intensified the previously existing humanitarian crisis in Syria and turned it into a human catastrophe, as all infrastructures in that country have been destroyed there and this affects the people’s capability to get access to minimum living needs.”

The senir Iranian diplomat at the UN added that the terrible conditions of the quake victims in Syria necessitate increased humanitarian aids from a neutral stand and quite unbiassed, free from politicizing the issue or conditioning the termination of the sanctions, to make sure that the humanitarian aids will reach the people in need of them speedily.

Iravani said that Iran was among the first countries that forwarded its humanitarian aids to both Syria and Turkiye with its full capacities.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA