Foreign Affairs

Iran, Austria to take steps to strengthen relations beyond the will and influence of others/ Sanctions cannot prevent the development of relations and cooperation between Iran and other countries / Iran’s nuclear activities completely peaceful

Emphasising that the relations and cooperation between Iran and Austria can be further developed, the President said, “The two countries should attempt to take steps for the development of bilateral and international cooperation despite the will and influence of others and only in the interests of the two nations”.

Speaking on Sunday after receiving the credentials of the new Austrian Ambassador to Tehran, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi referred to the good relations between the two countries, and added, “Iran is fully prepared to develop trade and economic cooperation with Austria and other countries, and obstacles will never stop us”.

The President described the sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation as cruel and illegal, and stated, “Although the sanctions cause problems, they cannot prevent the development of Iran’s trade and economic relations and cooperation with other countries”.

Dr Raisi added, “According to numerous reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran’s activities are peaceful, the imposition of sanctions is completely baseless, while Tehran fulfilled all its obligations, but it was the Americans who left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and the Europeans did not live up to their commitments”.

Referring to the Austrian ambassador’s appreciation for Iran’s hosting of Afghan refugees, Ayatollah Raisi said, “Today’s displacement of the Afghan people is the product of two decades of US policy and actions in the country and we are hosting Afghan immigrants in a humane and Islamic manner”.

The President added, “Given the presence of millions of Afghan refugees in Iran, European countries should do their duty and Austria should warn them about this issue”.

During the meeting, the new Austrian ambassador presented his credentials to Ayatollah Raisi, referring to his country’s constructive relations with Iran and said, “Austria seeks to develop cooperation between the two countries, especially in the field of financing and economic exchanges, and during the sanctions era, we were able to conclude some of the bilateral projects”.

“We are very eager to develop the level of relations and exchanges between the two countries based on the approved frameworks,” said Wolf Dietrich Heim.

He appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hosting of Afghan refugees and said, “The Austrian government is fully aware of and appreciates Iran’s humanitarian behaviour and services to asylum seekers, especially in sensitive situations”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran