
Iran calls for further cooperation with Russia to carry out Rasht-Astara railway project

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian First Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber on Thursday underlined the need for further cooperation between Tehran and Moscow to carry out Rasht-Astara railway project in northern Iran.

The railway project is of prime importance as it is considered one of the final stages of completing a highly strategic International North-South Transit Corridor (INSTC).

Speaking during a meeting in Tehran with Igor Levitin, a senior aide to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Iranian vice president said that both Iran and Russia have to pursue the project as one of their priorities.

Iran and Russia enjoy major potentials for expansion of bilateral relations so they can upgrade ties in different energy, transit, transportation, industry, and food security areas, Mokhber said.

He also said that a special committee has to be formed to help remove the obstacles in the way of transit ties between the two countries.

The Russian side, for his part, said that he has had constructive talks with Iranian officials during his visit to Tehran.

Levitin said that he has had good meetings with Iranian economic activists at Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) which could help remove difficulties facing trade and economic cooperation between Iran and Russia.

Referring to transit and transportation cooperation with Iran, the Russian official said that Iran can act as an alternative transportation route for Russia and become a transit hub for the country.

He noted that with the completion of Rasht-Astara railway project, a major part of Russia’s transit can be carried out via this route.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA