Foreign Affairs

Iran condemns Israeli army’s ‘savage’ raid in Nablus, urges ‘intl. action’

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has strongly condemned the “savage” and “terrorist” raid by Israeli regime forces in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, which killed at least 10 Palestinians and injured more than 100.

In a statement on Wednesday, Nasser Kana’ani called on the international community to take “immediate action” to put an end to the “genocide of Palestinians by the occupying Zionist regime and its racist and extremist cabinet.”

Israeli forces launched a raid on Nablus Wednesday morning, which led to the killing of 10 people and injuries to at least 102 others.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, 82 people were injured by live ammunition, many of them still in critical condition.

Referring to the apartheid regime’s crimes in the occupied West Bank and the killing of Palestinians, including children, women, and the elderly, Kana’ani termed the aggression “unacceptable” amid the “silence and inaction of responsible international bodies and so-called advocates of human rights in the West.”

Hailing the “brave” resistance of Palestinian youths across the occupied territories, he called on Muslim countries to “unite and take a coordinated stance in support of the Palestinian nation and their legitimate resistance against inhumane and terrorist measures of the apartheid Zionist regime.”

Wednesday’s bloody clashes broke out after Israeli forces stormed Nablus with dozens of armored vehicles and blocked off all entrances to the city. They then surrounded a home with two Palestinian fighters Hossam Isleem and Mohammad Abdulghan, both of whom were killed by Israeli fire.

Resistance group Lions’ Den later announced that it engaged in clashes with Israeli forces alongside the recently announced Balata Brigades group as dozens of young Palestinians pelted armored vehicles with rocks.

Meanwhile, Al-Jazeera quoted witnesses as saying that Israeli forces opened fire indiscriminately on the people of the city. According to witnesses, the occupation forces were shooting at the neighbors, people in their houses, and people going about their daily lives.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Jibril, director of ambulance and emergency services at the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Nablus, said Israeli forces were preventing medical staff from reaching the besieged area, where armed clashes were going on.

The attack was also strongly slammed by Palestinian resistance groups that vowed retaliation.

The latest carnage brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in occupied territories since the start of 2023 to 61 people, including 13 children.

The deadly attack also comes less than a month after Israeli forces raided the city of Jenin and its neighboring refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank, killing ten Palestinians in one of the deadliest raids in years.

Source: Press TV