Foreign Affairs

Iran dismantles terrorist team in West Azarbaijan province

Orumiyeh, IRNA – The Orumiyeh office of Intelligence Ministry has managed to identify and destroy a terrorist team in an area located between Piranshahr and Naqadeh cities in the south of country’s West Azarbaijan province.

Two members of the anti-revolutionary terrorist group in question got killed in an armed clash with the Intelligence Ministry officers and a number of them were arrested by them.

The terrorist group’s moves thus far included planning for a series of terrorist acts and implementing a number of them against armed and police forces’ commanders in the region, getting ransoms from the region’s merchants and industrialists, creating an atmosphere of horror, and even beating up a number of the region’s personalities and famous figures.

Arms and munitions were found in the hideout of the terrorist group and confiscated.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA