
Iran dismisses US claims in 2021 HR Report as baseless

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a statement on Thursday that releasing unfounded, duplicate reports does not give legitimacy to such reports.

It is clear that the lie-addict government of the US cannot be expected to tell the existing truths and realities, Khatibzadeh said, adding that the biased, political and interventionist nature of the US report is obvious to everyone.

With a history replete with war, coup, invasion, assassination, kidnapping, economic blockade and slaughter all across the globe, he added, the US is the main violator of human rights and is by no means qualified to speak of lofty concepts.

The spokesman noted that Iranians wouldn’t forget the US’ crimes against the Iran, including downing a passenger plane, provoking internal elements to assassinate Iranian people and officials during last decades, and all-out efforts to deprive the Iranian nation of its basic rights.

He also described the US sanctions against Iran which curbed providing medicine for Iranian patients as being a gross violation of human rights.

Khatibzadeh also mentioned former president Donald Trump’s direct order to assassinate the late General Qasem Soleimani that displayed the terrorist nature of the US.

The American government has shut eyes to gross, systematic violation of human rights, including against the black people, inside the US and its ally countries.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA