
Iran envoy emphasizes importance of media in expanding Tehran-Islamabad ties

Islamabad, IRNA –The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan says development of public relations between the two neighboring states is a prerequisite for stronger bilateral ties while emphasizing the important role of Iranian and Pakistani media in this regard.

Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini said this during an exclusive meeting with the top officials of Pakistan Television Network (PTV), including the CEO, Director News, presenters and senior journalists at the Embassy in Islamabad.

The two sides discussed ways to develop bilateral relations, particularly in the area of media and culture with sharing experiences, as well as film and student delegations.

Members of the Pakistani state media team appreciated the continuous efforts of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to help develop relations between the two countries, and stressed the need to increase the number of media, cultural, film, cinema and documentary delegations between Iran and Pakistan.

Praising the brilliant position of film industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they called for using the experiences of Iran in the field of cinema, filmmaking, documentaries, serials, as well as promoting cultural features and civilization.

During the meeting, the CEO of PTV proposed the visit of a delegation from Pakistan to Iran to produce a documentary on tourism and the role of the two countries’ media to help develop public relations.

“We want more cooperation with our Iranian friends and as the national media in Pakistan, we are eager to have a close relationship with our colleagues in the Iranian press, especially the national media of Iran,” he added.

The PTV staff members congratulated the formation of a new government in Iran and its success in producing the locally developed coronavirus vaccine, noting that the literacy rate in Iran is 90 percent and most people have higher education.

They called for cultural cooperation between Iran and Pakistan to promote and introduce each other’s literary, historical and religious celebrities, which could become a bridge between the people of the two countries.

Praising Iran’s remarkable progress in various areas despite unilateral sanctions, senior Pakistani state media reporters said Iranian leaders have done valuable work for unity and they have united all sections of society to overcome the challenges.

Welcoming the proposals of the Pakistani media team and emphasizing on paving the way for interaction between the media of the two countries, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran said the Iranian film industry is ready to share its experience with Pakistani side.

He added interaction in the field of cinema, film and documentary has also been warmly accepted and welcomed by officials in Tehran.

Referring to the spread of the coronavirus, Hosseini expressed hope that “we will pass this time”, adding that “we support interaction with Pakistan in the field of media and culture and to expedite the necessary consultations with the Pakistani ambassador in Tehran is also on the agenda”.

Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini termed the development of public relations important for strengthening relations between the two countries and said in the meeting with the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan at his beginning of the diplomatic mission in Islamabad, one of the important axes was a joint effort to strengthen relations between the two countries.

He described the joint production of films, documentaries and the use of cinematic and cultural capabilities as an important tool to increase interactions between the two friendly and brotherly nations of Iran and Pakistan.

Hosseini stressed the need for a close relationship between the Pakistan’s PTV World and Iran’s Press TV, adding that this could be a valuable cooperation and “we can hold a virtual meeting between the officials of the two networks to find ways of bilateral cooperation”.

“We believe that Iran and Pakistan need to reflect their true image to each other’s nations. We need to highlight the manifestations of the two countries and recognize each other’s cultural, social, tourism, economic and customs characteristics,” the ambassador said.

He said from Iran’s point of view, the development of public relations, exchange of cultural delegations, media, cinema, film and documentary productions have strengthened mutual trust.

Welcoming the development of communication between Iran’s official media and Pakistan’s official media, the Iranian ambassador added that the official Iranian media based in Pakistan has always reflected positive image of Pakistan to the Iranian society.

Emphasizing the common interests of Tehran-Islamabad in the region, he added that both countries’ views on regional and international developments are consistent in some respects and close in many other respects.

Members of the Pakistan National Television stressed the effective role of media interaction with Iran to combat the phenomenon of Islamophobia, and added that an effective policy should be established to counter anti-Islamic actions.

They were eager to get acquainted with religious and holy places in Iran and to produce documentaries of cultural and scientific figures buried in this country.

They announced their readiness to promote and reflect Iranian culture and customs through the Pakistani national media.

Regarding the level of cooperation with Pakistan during the speead of coronavirus, the Iranian ambassador said that the health ministries of the two countries have established a very close relationship from the very beginning of the COVID-19 virus outbreak, in which information is exchanged on a daily and weekly basis.

Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini added that the issue of promoting unity and looking at common issues of the Islamic world such as Palestine has a special place in the public diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He emphasized “we believe that any group that takes steps to divide the Islamic Ummah is in fact taking an evil step and is giving a good service to the Zionist regime politically”.

Praising the positions of the Pakistani government against anti-Islamic actions, the ambassador said the Islamic Republic of Iran has always emphasized on unity and strengthening the interaction between Islamic religions since the glorious victory of the revolution until today.

He said Iran and Pakistan are united and coordinating against the evil phenomenon of Islamophobia and have a common motive to counter this conspiracy.

The Iranian ambassador to Pakistan added the common enemies of Iran and Pakistan are trying to spoil the relations between the two neighboring countries, so public diplomacy between Iran and Pakistan must be developed to undermine these conspiracies.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA