
Iran expecting IAEA to show impartiality

Tehran, IRNA – Following Tuesday visit by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi to Iran, Tehran has underlined that the Iranian authorities expect the UN nuclear watchdog to conduct its technical careers based on impartial attitude.

Ahead of November 29 meeting in Vienna, Austria, between the P4+1 group of countries – Britain, France, Russia, China plus Germany – and Iran, Grossi paid a one-day trip to Tehran and held talks with Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami as well as Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

IAEA chief evaluated the talks as positive and promising and noted that both sides are trying to reach good conclusion at the end of the negotiations.

Eslami, for his part, emphasized the need for respecting technical duties of the IAEA, noting that the two sides have reached consensus to resolve differences that the Agency and Iran have had in recent weeks and months.

Underlining the fact that issues between the IAEA and Iran are fully technical and that political problems and foes’ conspiracies should not be considered in this respect, the AEOI chief said that the IAEA director general had reiterated several times on Tuesday that there is no sign of deviation in Iran’s nuclear program and that the Iranian nuclear activities are carried out in accordance with contracts and regulations.

According to the Iranian nuclear official, enemies of the Islamic Republic published so-called documents on Iranian nuclear activities, so Iranian authorities answered Grossi’s question in this regard and both parties agreed upon wrapping up discussing the issues.

Iran is determined to go ahead with its nuclear program and the Iranians expect the IAEA to assist the country in conducting this program for developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, Eslami noted.

Grossi also said that the IAEA and Tehran are reviewing important issues and seeking to continue negotiations to reach consensus for future cooperation.

The main objective is that the outlook of the nuclear program leads to generating clean energy, he added.

Following his meeting with Iranian foreign minister, the IAEA chief underlined that his trip to Tehran is a sign that there is a determination to hold talks and find a way to upgrade cooperation with the Islamic Republic.

FM Amirabaollahian stated that Iran seriously wants to have constructive interaction with the international nuclear agency, urging the IAEA to stand firm against political pressures and conduct its professional and impartial job.

Grossi left Tehran for Vienna on Tuesday night to participate in a virtual meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors on Wednesday.

Iran expects to see benefits of abiding by its agreements with the IAEA following years of coordination and collaboration.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA