Foreign Affairs

Iran FM calls EU sanctions ‘unconstructive’, says riots intolerable everywhere

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Monday that rioting and damaging public property are not tolerated in any part of the world, with Iran being no exception.

The top diplomat made the comment in a twitter post in reaction to sanctions imposed by the European Union against Iran over the recent riots in the country.

Amirabdollahian said that the EU again resorted to the ineffective tool of sanctions against Iranians, making miscalculations and taking an unconstructive measure based on a bunch of wrong information.

EU foreign ministers on Monday slapped sanctions on 11 Iranian individuals and 4 entities, including the country’s Morality Police and Law Enforcement.

The bloc has accused the targeted people and entities of human rights violations over the recent riots that broke out in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who died in police custody.

The Iranian government has said it upholds the right to peaceful protests, but rejects any form of rioting and has blamed foreign elements for the recent unrest in different cities.

Amirabdollahian, during a previous phone call with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, had warned of reciprocation should the EU impose sanctions on Iran.

The Iranian Foreign Minister had said that his country envisages a broader framework of cooperation with the EU, advising the Europeans to take a realistic approach towards the recent riots in Iran.

He had also said that the Islamic Republic enjoys democracy and a strong support by its people.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA