
Iran FM: Forged Zionist regime root cause of region’s all hardships

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a phone talk on Tuesday with Politburo Chief of Palestine’s Hamas Resistance Movement Ismail Haniyeh emphasized that the forged Zionist regime is the root cause of the region’s entire difficulties and problems.

In Amirabdollahian’s Tuesday night phone talk with Esmail Haniyeh on the anniversary of Hamas establishment, Iran’s top diplomat congratulated Haniyeh on the occasion.

“Hamas is among the pioneers of the Islamic resistance forces for liberation of the Holy Quds,” he said.

Referring to the recent move of the British government in declaring Hamas as a terrorist organization, Amirabdollahian said that the political move is against the Palestinian nation.

“The Zionist regime is the mother and root cause of the region’s entire hardships and therefore, the moves made by a few countries in the region to normalize ties with that forged regime are against the region’s security and the interests of the Islamic Ummah (nation).

The politburo chief of Hamas, for his part, appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s all-out support for the Palestinian nation and denounced the move made by some Arab countries in naturalizing relations with Israel.

“We did not expect the Arab countries to shake hands with the butchers of the Palestinian nation,” he added.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA