
Iran honors diplomats martyred in Mazar-i-Sharif

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Iranian diplomats and correspondents in Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif.

The Monday statement goes as follows:

Mordad 17th (August 8) is a reminder of bitter memories that were imposed on the foreign policy apparatus and nation of Iran in 1998.

24 years ago, amid civil conflicts in Afghanistan and upon Taliban forces’ arrival into Mazar-i-Sharif, some Iranian diplomats and a correspondent of IRNA were martyred in contradiction to moral, humanitarian and international commitments.

Vast condemnation by international community as well as the noble people of Afghanistan indicated brilliant instances of unity between Afghan and Iranian nations, promoting the Islamic Republic of Iran to show self-restraint and act based on interests of both nations, standing with Afghan brothers and sisters.

The Iranian government and people have always stood with the oppressed nation of Afghanistan, and supported any solution, which can end up in peace, stability and tranquility in favor of Afghan people, who have fought foreign invasion for years.

As experience shows, formation of a government consisting of all Afghan elite, representing all tribes and ideologies can pave the way for development, progress and improvement of the nation’s capability in facing pressures and sanctions imposed by the West.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry recalls the memories of martyrs of the siege of the Iranian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif, condemning the unforgettable crime, and underlining the need for clarifying aspects of the criminal act.

On August 8, 1998 some Iranian diplomats and Mahmoud Saremi, a correspondent from Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), were attacked at the Iranian consulate and martyred.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA