Foreign Affairs

Iran, Hungary FMs Discuss Closer Cooperation in All Areas

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amiramdollahian and Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó have, in a meeting, discussed and exchanged views on mutual relations, particularly economic ties and educational cooperation, as well as ways of resolving relevant issues along with the latest developments in Afghanistan. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amiramdollahian and Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó have, in a meeting, discussed and exchanged views on mutual relations, particularly economic ties and educational cooperation, as well as ways of resolving relevant issues along with the latest developments in Afghanistan.

In the meeting, Amirabdollahian said a top priority in Tehran-Budapest relations is to expand mutual economic and trade ties and proposed that, in this regard, a meeting of Iran-Hungary Joint Commission be held at the earliest opportunity and a road map be drawn up for mutual relations.

He said some of the already reached agreements between the two countries have not moved forward as quickly as they should, and underlined the need for efforts to solve problems.

The top Iranian diplomat said more than 4,000 Iranian students are studying in Hungarian universities and as many Hungarian students in Iranian universities, which, he added, could lay the groundwork for further deepening of ties between the two nations.

The Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade, in turn, touched upon his trip to Tehran back in 2015 and the agreements reached between the two sides during that visit, expressing readiness he will hold a meeting of the Iran-Hungary Joint Commission during his upcoming trip to Tehran.

He said Budapest is determined to enhance all-out relations with Tehran on economic and trade fronts.

The top diplomat said US sanctions have created some problems, but Hungary has tried during the very same period to revitalize mutual economic ties.

He said Iranian university students are among the best foreign students in Hungary, saying his country stands ready to promote mutual academic collaboration.

It is worth mentioning that Hungary agreed to donate some 100,000 doses of the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine. Accordingly, upon Amir Abdollahian’s suggestion, it was agreed that the donated vaccine consignment be allocated to Afghan migrants in Iran.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran