
Iran-Iraq nat’l council for policy-making of mutual coop to be held soon

Tehran, IRNA – Chairman of the Iran-Iraq joint chamber of commerce Yahya Al-e Eshaq said on Wednesday that a national council meeting for policy-making of mutual cooperation between Iran and Iraq will be held soon.

Al-e Eshaq said that as Iran’s second-largest trading partner, Iraq is the destination of over 15 percent of the country’s exports.

Considering the type and level of interprovincial cooperation on Iran’s shared borders with the Iraqi side which is based on the excellent interaction of neighboring provinces, he highlighted that holding a meeting of border governors of the two states with the participation of provincial security political officials and economic managers as well as heads of unions and chambers of commerce and industry can provide the grounds for the development of bilateral trade by coordinating and increasing the level of cooperation to the highest possible level.

According to the permit issued on June 15, 2022, the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran will hold a dedicated exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Sulaymaniyah Governorate of Iraq from October 2-6, 2022, which will be an excellent opportunity to hold a joint meeting on the development of bilateral cooperation between Iran and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA