
Iran major regional player despite West’s psychological war: Researcher

Tehran, IRNA – Today Iran is a major and powerful player in the region in spite of all psychological war by the West, a Pakistani researcher said.

Amina Khan, the director of the Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI), told IRNA on Friday that more than four decades after the establishment of the Islamic Republic, we witness extraordinary development of the country in all fields.

Despite foreign attempts to isolate Iran and the Western media propaganda campaign against the country, the Iranian nation succeeded in advancing and the process could not hinder them, she noted.

She went on to say that Pakistan gives importance to the relationship with Iran and that Islamabad has had amicable ties with Tehran for 76th years.

Iran and Pakistan are facing the Western propaganda campaign; thus, they should enhance mutual relations and apply the existing opportunities to protect their common interests, the analyst noted.

Referring to her visit to Tehran two months ago, she said that she witnessed freedom and security in Iranian society, particularly Iranian women, who are active in all sectors, so the facts on the ground show that the Iranian people are consistent in developing their country.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA