
Iran-Pakistan economic ties entering new era: Senior MP

Tehran, IRNA — Senior Pakistani politician and Chairman of Senate Defense Committee termed the holding of the 1st specialized edition of Iran-Pakistan trade exhibition in Islamabad as important, and said Tehran-Islamabad economic ties are entering new era.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed during an interview with IRNA said the exhibition has been a resounding success and strengthened Iran-Pakistan solidarity in the field of economy and trade.

“53 companies are participating in the exhibition from Iran and Pakistan jointly, I congratulate my friend Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Ali Hosseini for taking this initiative and also the Chamber of Commerce of Iran and Pakistan,” he added.

The Senator said: I think we are building a new era in economic relationship and I feel that the time has come to revive the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline and also to build regional connectivity through Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

“We have been partners for last seventy years and we are going to be partners in building a new and better tomorrow,” noted Mushahid Hussain Syed.

Speaking as a chief guest at the opening ceremony of the trade exhibition, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed said Iran and Pakistan are two brotherly neighbors who share common geography, heritage, history, culture, religion and the philosophy of Allama Iqbal.

He added Iran-Pakistan relations are reaching new heights of cooperation and collaboration in economy, in energy, in culture, in diplomacy and security.

“Iran and Pakistan have no conflict of interest and both countries are the victims of international double standards and both countries have faced illegal and unjust sanctions,” said the Pakistani Parliamentarian.

He said that he was very happy that last week Joint Economic Commission (JEC) convened between the two countries.

“In this specialized trade exhibition 53 companies from Iran and Pakistan are participating, which is very important,” stated the Senator.

Expressing his views, Mushahid Hussain Syed said that it is likely that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will be restored and the sanctions will be lifted.

“Iranian people are great people, they have the Asian spirit of resilience, they stand up to pressures and they are pride for us as friends of Pakistan, pride for the Muslim countries and pride for the developing countries,” he noted.

The Senator said once Imam Khomeini had said that Iranian people are masters of their own destiny and decisions about Iran are made by Iranians in Tehran and not outside in Washington or London.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA