
Iran parliament speaker: Resistance fighters’ fire will pour on Zionists

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said that Muslim nations’ anti-Zionist morale is much higher than before, and blind-hearted enemies should know that resistance combatants’ fire will pour on heads of occupiers of Palestinians’ lands.

Quoting a holy Qur’anic verse of Jihad and martyrdom, Qalibaf said that the illegitimate, inhumane and child-killer Zionists after their being serially humiliated and their inability to encounter the resistance of the Islamic Ummah (nation) have resorted to a new criminal act.

“They have launched a military attack against Gaza Strip and began assassinating the Palestinian resistance commanders under the supportive umbrella of the United States and the other inhumane governments, once again revealing their blood thirsty, criminal aggressive face of themselves and their supporters,” he added.

The Parliament speaker said that the oppressed Palestinian nation and the Islamic Ummah, will beyond doubt not leave this shameless criminal act that is occurring on the anniversary of the sad martyrdom of Imam Hossein (AS), leading to the martyrdom of defenseless civilians, unanswered.

He said that the response to such acts, relying on the fully unified move of the entire Palestinian groups, will amaze the Zionist regime’s militants and their supporters.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA