
Iran reacts to declared Saudi-Kuwait agreement on shared gas field

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Foreign ministry spokesman while reacting to recently declared Saudi-Kuwait agreement on Arash shared gas field said here on Saturday: The Arash-Al Darreh gas field is shared by Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and some parts of it in Iran-Kuwait waters without defined border.

“According to the international laws and norms, any kind of usage or development in that field must be made in collaboration and cooperation among all three countries, which is contrary to the recent move made by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, that is therefore illegal, and ineffective on the legal status of that field, and so not approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Saeed Khatibzadeh.

He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as it has many times announced, is ready for cooperation on method of using this shared gas field with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and will enter negotiations, and simultaneously work in the framework of the former agreement with Kuwait on drawing the sea borders, and also for trilateral dialogue among the three countries in defining the three border points.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed at the end that all the same the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its right to benefit from the shared Arash-Al-Darreh gas field.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA