
Iran responds to accusations by Israeli regime

London, IRNA – Acting Head of Iran’s Mission in the IAEA Board of Governors Mohammad Reza Ghaebi compared the Israeli regime’s remarks on non-proliferation and safeguards system to a preach made by a mafia leader on the importance of laws against organized crimes.

Ghaebi was responding to the unfounded anti-Iran accusations made by the Israeli regime representative in the Board of Governors meeting on Thursday.

He said that this was not the first time the Israeli regime had wasted the valuable time of the Board of Governors by fabricating boring fairy tales on Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.

The representative of the Israeli regime tried this time to rebrand their threadbare tale as the sound of silence to make it less boring, Ghaebi said, but it failed again.

He’d be better recount the real story of sound of silence about the Israeli regime’s brutal crimes in the region, its clandestine nuclear program and atomic bombs, or its terrorist targeting of peaceful nuclear facilities and nuclear scientists of other countries, the Iranian diplomat said.

Ghaebi added that the fact that the Israeli regime is not a party to any disarmament or arms control treaties and doesn’t subject all of its nuclear facilities to the IAEA’s safeguards agreements is ridiculous.

The Israeli regime has been so emboldened that it manipulates facts and preaches to NPT members, he noted.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA