Foreign Affairs

Iran-Russia Agreement, roadmap for broadening of bilateral ties: Russian official

Moscow, IRNA – Director of the Russian Institute of Political Studies Sergey Markov said on Sunday that Iran-Russia long-term cooperation agreement is a roadmap for the two countries and effectively helps the development of bilateral ties.

In an exclusive interview with IRNA, Markov said that Iran-Russia Agreement is in fact a roadmap for the broadening of bilateral relations between the two countries.

This Russian expert in his interview added that the long-term strategic agreement between Iran and Russia, which was recently extended for another five years, was signed in completely different circumstances from the current global and international, and regional situation.

Markov said that the current agreement between Iran and Russia will not meet the two sides’ ties and can not be used to develop mutual cooperation, therefore a new strategic agreement was needed to develop relations between the two countries.

According to the Russian expert, when the Iran-Russia agreement was signed in 2001, there was a different field of cooperation between Iran and Russia, and now the two countries have come to the conclusion that their interests are in more cooperation and coordination of positions on various issues.

Iran said on Saturday a long-term cooperation roadmap with Russia is at its final stage of development.

“We have launched a new initiative at the Foreign Ministry, namely 20-year cooperation roadmap documents with neighboring countries, including one with Russia, which is almost finalized,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said.

“We will obtain permission from the cabinet to conduct negotiations and, like the 25-year cooperation roadmap, we developed with China, we can do the same with major neighboring countries,” Khatibzadeh added.

He also said President Ebrahim Raisi is slated to visit a number of neighboring countries soon.

He added that the heads of some of those countries, including Turkey, are also going to visit Tehran.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA