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Iran slams European countries over human rights claims

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday denounced the UK and some European countries over their reaction to Iran’s execution of its national Alireza Akbari who had been sentenced to death over spying for the United Kingdom.

“The UK move against Iran’s national security received Iran’s firm intelligence and judicial response,” Kanaani wrote on his twitter page, adding that the UK’s hype and support of the London government by certain European countries, which claim to be defending human rights, show that they are escaping and breaking law.

“The British regime, whose royal family member has admitted to have killed 25 innocent people and viewed them as chess pieces he was removing from the board without being ashamed, as well as those who have turned a blind eye to this war crime are not capable of advising others on human rights,” the spokesman wrote in another tweet.

He was referring to Prince Harry who has said in a memoir that he killed 25 people while on deployment in Afghanistan with the British army.

On Saturday, January 14, Iran executed Alireza Akbari, who held a British passport, for working with the British secret spying service MI6 against Iran’s national security.

The UK in response sanctioned the country’s prosecutor general.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA