
Iran to respond any evil act at similar or stronger proportion

Tehran, IRNA – After an Israeli-operated ship named ‘Mercer Street’ was attacked on July 30 off the coast of Oman, Israeli officials accused Iran of being behind the attack without providing any evidence.

UK’s Maritime Trade Operations announced on July 30 that a ship was attacked near the coast of Oman. UK’s Defense Ministry confirmed the attack, adding that the ship was owned by an Israeli company.

London-based Zodiac Maritime owned by the Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer said the same day that the attack lead to the death Mercer Street’s Romanian captain and a British member of the crew.

Soon afterwards, officials and media of the Israeli regime wasted no time to accuse Iran of being behind the attack without providing any evidence.

This was a familiar behavior, as the Israeli regime has always tried to link any anti-Israeli measure carried out throughout the globe to the Islamic Republic of Iran; a strategy that is supported by the US and other allies.

The same way, the US, the UK, NATO, G7 and some European countries rushed to support the unfounded allegations made by the Israeli regime, without any investigation taking place or any of the aforementioned asking for an investigation.

They called for a UN Security Council meeting with the aim of pressuring Iran. UK Ambassador to UN Barbara Woodward repeated the same allegations raised by the G7 foreign ministers. She claimed that the UK was aware that Iran was responsible for ‘the deliberate and targeted’ attack.

The Israeli regime’s Prime Minister Neftali Benet put the blame on Iran and his war minister Benny Gantz said in an interview that the Israeli regime was ‘prepared to strike Iran’.

In response, Iran’s commanders gave strong answers to the aggressive threats made by Israeli officials. IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami said that the Israeli regime was better to have an understanding of Iran’s offensive and defensive capabilities.

“The foes that make threating statements these days, the occupying Zionist regime in particular, must reach the understating of the reality of Iran’s offensive and defensive capability that Iran’s defensive policy recognizes no act, not matter who is the perpetrator enemy and where or in what scale it happens, as tolerable and not triggering our intense, determined response,” Salami underlined.

He had previously said that Iran would respond any evil act at a similar or stronger proportion.

Iran’s IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri said that the foes know that Iran’s armed forces act seriously and in a revolutionary manner to protect the country’s interests.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh took to twitter to respond to Gantz’ claims. “Any stupid action against Iran will meet a decisive response,” Khatibzadeh wrote.

“In clear violation of the international laws, the Israeli regime is now shamelessly threatening Iran with military measure. This evil behavior stems from the blind support it receives from the West. We clearly declare: Any foolish action against Iran will be met with a decisive response.” The spokesman added.

Stephane Dujarric, spokesmen for UN Sec.-Gen. Antonio Guterres said: “What is important is for all of the parties who are involved to avoid any escalatory action or rhetoric that could make the tense situation worse.”

Iran will never appease the foes in the face of any aggressive action whether it is from the Zionist regime’s side or the US’ side. Iran showed its resoluteness in the missile attack against US airbase in Iraq in response to the assassination of the late General Qasem Soleimani by the US Army.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA