
Iran urges EU to take necessary decisions for an agreement

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Tuesday urged the European Union to refrain from politicizing issues and take the necessary decision for announcing an agreement.

Amirabdollahian made the remarks in a meeting with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell held on the sidelines of the Baghdad 2 Conference in the Jordanian capital of Amman.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the most important issues on the agenda of Iran and the European Union, particularly the Vienna talks on removing the sanctions on Tehran.

The Iranian foreign minister voiced Iran’s readiness to conclude Vienna talks based on a draft that is the result of months of intensive talks between the two sides.

He urged the European Union to refrain from politicizing issues and take the necessary decision for announcing an agreement.

He also condemned Western support for the recent unrests in Iran by imposing unlawful sanctions against Iran under the pretext of supporting human rights.

Referring to the Western violation of the human rights of the Iranian nation, including among others in backing the US illegal sanctions against Iran, the foreign minister said that shedding crocodile tears in support of Iranian rights is not believable.

He also reiterated Iran’s principled stance in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the need for finding a peaceful settlement to the war in the country, noting that Iran is ready to remove any misunderstanding in direct interaction with the Ukrainian side.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA