
Iran urges resolve for good deal ahead of Vienna talks

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh ahead of resuming talks on the JCPOA recommended the other parties to come to Vienna with a determination to reach a good deal.

The Iranian negotiating team headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani arrived in Vienna, Austria on Monday to resume the talks after a pause by other teams due to Christmas Eve.

Speaking in his weekly press conference, Khatibzadeh said that Iran’s attitude towards the talks was progressive, adding that it is intolerable for Iran that they waste the teams’ time and energy with useless news while having demands beyond the JCPOA from Iran and offering benefits less than what was agreed in the deal to Iran.

He pointed out that Iran managed to reach two new documents after the 7th Round of Talks, adding that the two new documents on the nuclear issue and removal of sanctions were achieved through intensive talks as removal of sanctions will be particularly the goal of the negotiators.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has a progressive approach in the Vienna talks and we recommend the other parties to join Vienna talks with a determination to reach a good agreement,” Khatibzadeh said.

Referring to the unconstructive role of certain European countries in the negotiations, the Iranian foreign ministry spokesman underlined that if all parties come to the Vienna talks with the agenda that the talks will bear the result in the shortest possible time, outcome will be fruitful.

“I think that the three European countries know that it is expected from them to end lack of practicality and present their serious program for their return to their commitments under the JCPOA,” he added.

Khatibzadeh in response to a question by an IRNA correspondent who asked given the recent statements by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian to what extent is he hopeful and optimistic about reaching an agreement said that he is hopeful that the other parties would appreciate this opportunity.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA