
Iranian clerics censure terrorist attack on holy shrine

Qom, IRNA – Sources of emulation have issued separate messages to condemn the heinous act of attacking civilian pilgrims at the holy shrine of Shah Cheraq in Shiraz, Fars province, Iran.

Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi slammed terrorist strike on the holy shrine of Hazrat Ahmad ibn Mousa, which left nearly 40 dead and wounded, warning that such a crime will be backfired and that the Iranian Muslims will continue to defend their homeland and religion.

Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani also condemned the inhuman attack on the holy shrine of the son of Imam Mousa al-Kazim (the seventh Imam in Twelver Shia Islam), saying that the incident showed the perpetrators of such a monstrous act massacred innocent men, women and children when they were saying their prayers, with the aim of appeasing their satanic supporters.

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani emphasized that the terrorist attack is a deeply sad incident, which was aided and abetted by certain enemies such as the US and the Zionist regime as well as their allies in the region.

Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli mentioned that the safe shrine of infallible households of the Prophet of Islam will be protected from terrorists’ attacks by Takfiri groups, adding that the great nation of Iran will stand against any threat against the territorial integrity and independence of the Islamic country.

The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom issued a communique, underling that the enemies of Islam committed such a heinous crime, which left innocent civilians martyred and injured at the holy shrine.

The society added that the terrible act has been done in line with the foes’ plots to create insecurity in the Islamic country, cautioning that following the recent unrest in Iran, enemies have been emboldened to attack a sacred place in the country.

On Wednesday (October 26) a terrorist armed with a machinegun opened fire on the pilgrims and evening prayer worshippers at the Shah Cheraq holy shrine in Shiraz, martyred 15 innocent people, including some women, children and elderly folks, and seriously wounding tens of others.

The Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the heinous act.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA