
Iranian court holds 3rd hearing into Ukrainian plane crash

Tehran, IRNA – The third hearing into the case of a 2020 Ukrainian plane crash was held in Tehran military court on Thursday.

The court hearing began in the Iranian capital in presence of defendants, plaintiffs, families of the victims and their lawyers.

10 defendants from different military ranks were present in this court.

Judge Ebrahim Mehranfar invited the plaintiffs to the stand and asked them to talk about the case and raise their requests in the court.

A number of the plaintiffs called on the judge to issue a strong verdict for the defendants.

The court hearing lasted about four hours and in the end the judge said that the time of the next session will be announced later.

A Ukrainian Boeing 747 aircraft, with 176 passengers and crew members on board, was mistakenly shot down by Iranian air defense shortly after it took off from Tehran’s International Imam Khomeini Airport on January 8, 2020.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA