
Iranian expatriates cast vote in Serbia


Iranians living in Serbia have started casting vote for the 13th presidential election of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Polling station at the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgrade is open from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Friday and the voting time might extend if needed.

Iranian expatriates in Serbia include students, merchants and doctors, and a number of them living in other cities of the European country, have traveled to Belgrade to cast their vote.

The staff of the embassy and other organizations of the Islamic Republic cast their vote on Friday.

Rashid Hassanpour, Iranian ambassador to Serbia and chairman of the polling station in the European country, told IRNA that the Embassy is well-prepared to hold the election and that necessary coordination with relevant authorities have been made to assure security of the voting process in Belgrade.

Pointing to the fact that world public opinion and different governments inspect the way the Iranian people participate in the election, Hassanpour noted that active and massive turnout inside and outside Iran will showcase the Iranians’ love to the achievements of the Islamic Revolution as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Iranian embassy in Belgrade published a series of statements on its website and sent messages in social media networks, urging all Iranian expatriates in Serbia to take part in the presidential election at the embassy.

It is worth mentioning that the number of Iranians living in Serbia is about 300 people.

The 13th presidential election of the Islamic Republic of Iran takes place at several Iranian embassies and consulates around the world on Friday.

The number of eligible voters in this round of election stands at 59,310,307 people out of which 1,392,148 are first-time voters.

The elections kicked off on Friday June 18 at 7:00 a.m. local time, which is going to last until 12:00 pm. It is possible that the voting hours are extended to 2:00 a.m. Saturday.

Mohsen Rezai Mirghaed, Ebrahim Rais al-Sadati known as Raisi, Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi and Abdolnasser Hemmati compete in the presidential election.

Simultaneously, the 13th presidential election, the sixth round of city and village councils elections, the first by-election of the 11th Islamic Consultative Assembly in six electoral districts including Tehran, Tafresh, KabudarAhang, Gachsaran, Astaneh Ashrafieh and Miyaneh, as well as the second by-election of the fifth Assembly of Experts in four electoral districts of Tehran, Qom, Khorasan Razavi and Mazandaran are being held on Friday.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA
