
Iran’s agenda for Vienna Talks

Tehran, IRNA – The Islamic Republic of Iran’s negotiating team has outlined clear agenda for nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria, which is a matter of concern for the West, an Iranian editorial says.

Resalat Newspaper published an editorial by Hanif Ghaffari on Tuesday, saying that the Vienna talks has kicked off with the agenda of lifting unilateral and cruel sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran; as Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian underlined the White House has no option but to remove anti-Iran embargo in a practical and complete way.

Along with lifting of the sanctions, Tehran has called for time-bound and practical guarantees as well as verification of the West’s compliance with their commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal and compensation for the US’s withdrawal from the international accord.

The determination of the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna has put Washington and the E3 (Britain, France and Germany) in a weak position, who proposed illegal and irrational demands. Although, Western officials have tried to put pressure on Iran in recent weeks and days, the Iranian delegation is firm enough to stand against unreasonable suggestions.

The unilateral withdrawal of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 as well as President Ebrahim Raisi administration’s firmness to defend Iran’s legitimate rights are among the main obstacles for the West to pursue their preconditions for the Vienna talks.

Since the US and Europe did not find any problem in legal and technical aspects of Iran’s nuclear program, the Iranians have the upper hand in foiling Western propaganda campaign against the Islamic Republic.

Legal line-up of the negotiations by the Iranian delegation did not allow the West to reach their initial goals. The Western powers name the nuclear deal as a tool not a legal document.

The Westerners attempted to use the so-called nuclear negotiations as a platform to raise non-nuclear issues, but the Islamic Republic stood firm against their unjustified scenario.

The US and its allies are afraid of giving assurance on future compliance with the JCPOA because such a guarantee can create mechanisms, which could increase the cost of a potential pullout from the deal.

The Islamic Republic will not retreat an iota from its demands as it knows the US’s return to the JCPOA without firm commitments would bear no fruit.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA