
Iraq calls on the international community to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities and exert effective pressure on Israel to stop massacres and genocide against the Palestinians

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York, Dr. Abbas Kadhim Obaid, delivered Iraq’s statement at the resumed emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Palestinian issue and the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the Israeli occupation.

Obaid stressed in his statement Iraq’s welcome of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, issued at the request of the General Assembly, stressing the importance of following up on it and working to implement it in accordance with what the court recommended in its advisory opinion.

He pointed out that the advisory opinion came after a careful study and realistic discussions, with the aim of charting a course to end more than seven decades of illegal and inhumane Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and to put an end to the serious violations committed against the Palestinian people. The statement called on the international community to
shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities and exert effective pressure on Israel to stop the massacres and genocide against the Palestinians.

The statement also called for finding real and sustainable solutions to restore the rights of the Palestinian people, warning that the continuation of the Israeli aggression and the international community’s disregard for these violations reflects the seriousness of this conflict on regional and international peace and security.

It stressed that ignoring the rights of the Palestinians and violating international resolutions generates feelings of frustration and anger, which exacerbates tensions and violence, not only in the Palestinian territories, but in the entire region.

Dr. Obaid reiterated Iraq’s firm and principled position in supporting the just Palestinian cause in all international forums, based on its belief in its legitimacy and its commitment to Iraqi national constants. He stressed Iraq’s support for what the Palestinian people decide to achieve thei
r aspirations and restore their inalienable rights, including their right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with Al-Quds as its capital./End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency