
“It will cause heavy losses among civilians.”.. Washington shocks the Coalition of Cluster Munitions

The Cluster Munitions Coalition, which seeks to impose a ban on this type of weapon, expressed its horror and shock at the United States’ decision to supply Ukraine with cluster munitions.

“The Biden Administration’s decision to transfer cluster munitions will contribute to the massive loss of life among Ukrainian civilians, both immediately (after their use) and for many years,” said Paul Hannon, Vice Chairman of the Cluster Munition Coalition.

Hannon added that the use of cluster munitions “exacerbates Ukraine’s already massive contamination with explosive remnants and landmines.”

“States parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions must oppose any transfer or use of these weapons,” the Coalition said in a statement, and urged parties to the conflict in Ukraine not to use these weapons “because of the expected harm to the civilian population.”

The United States announced on Friday that it was in the process of transferring cluster munitions to Ukraine, although they are prohibited by an international agreement ratified by 123 countries, with the exception of the United States and Ukraine.

The Russian army confirmed that the Ukrainian forces had already used cluster munitions to bomb Donbass, especially the city of Donetsk.

According to the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, this indicates that the task of the Ukrainian forces is to kill the largest number of civilians.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency