
Jazan Exports First Shipment of Mangoes to Jordan

Jazan, The first shipment of Jazan mangoes, weighing 24 tons, was sent yesterday to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through the Cooperative Society for Agricultural Marketing (Alrowia), in accordance with the agreement concluded with the Jordanian side several months ago, which entails exporting produce from the Jazan region, including mangoes, papayas, and watermelons.

Alrowia, in partnership with Jazan Development and Investment Company (JAZADCO), ensures that the mangoes are cleaned, sterilized, and packaged according to the highest international standards.

Alrowia aims to export over 30 shipments, of 24 tons each, of Jazan mangoes gradually, as part of its efforts to support local farmers by selling their produce not only in major markets in the Kingdom but also in a number of neighboring countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency