
JIAT Issues Statement on Allegation of Targeting Two Houses in Sha’aban Area in Razih and Sa’ada Governorates

Riyadh: A statement is issued today by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the allegation that the Coalition Forces targeted (two houses) in (Sha’aban) area in (Razih) directorate of (Sa’ada) governorate on (11/12/2017) as follows:

“With regard to what was stated in the (ninth) periodic report on the works of the National Commission to Investigate Alleged violations to Human Rights in Yemen (NCIAVHR) that at (1:00) am on (11/12/2017) the Coalition Forces targeted (G.J house) and (M.J. house) in (Sha’aban) area in (Razih) directorate of (Sa’ada) governorate, the targeting resulted in the destruction of the two houses, killing and injuring number of people, and the destruction of two cars.

JIAT vetted the incident and reviewed all documents, including air tasking orders, daily mission schedule, mission execution procedures, after mission reports, video recording of the executed mission, satellite images, (NCIAVHR) response to JIAT request of the coordinates of the claimed two houses, Coalitio
n Forces Rules of Engagement, provisions and principles of International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules, and after assessment of evidences, JIAT found that the coordinates of the claimed two houses are located in a mountainous area, in the eastern part of (Razih) directorate of (Sa’ada) governorate.

By studying the air missions carried out by the Coalition Forces on (11/12/2017), which is the date of the claim, JIAT found that Coalition Forces carried out at (9:00) pm an air mission on a military target, (4500) meters away from the coordinates of the claimed two houses, using one guided bomb that hits its target.

By studying the daily mission schedule carried out by Coalition Forces one day prior and one day after the claimed date, JIAT found the following:

1. On (10/12/2017) one day prior the claimed date, Coalition Forces carried out an air missions on a military target (5000) meters away from the coordinates of the claimed two houses.

2. On (12/12/2017) one day after the claimed date, Coaliti
on Forces carried out air missions on a military target (3100) meters away from the coordinates of the claimed two houses.

JIAT specialists studied the satellite images of the claimed location, and found the following:

1.The area is mountainous, with some scattered farms and buildings near the coordinates of the claim.

2.Satellite images prior to the date of the claim show that there were no buildings at the coordinates of the claim.

3.Satellite images after the date of the claim show a new building at the coordinates of the claim, it also shows no traces of aerial targeting on it.

JIAT specialists studied the satellite images of the military target location, and found the following:

1. The military target is located in a semi-isolated area.

2. Satellite images after the date of the claim show signs of aerial targeting on the military target.

By studying the video recording of the executed mission, JIAT found the following:

1.The targeting was focused on the military target, and the bomb hit its targ

2.No movements of personal prior to and during the targeting.

3.No vehicles near the military target.

By comparing the statement of claim with the air mission carried out on the date of the claim, JIAT found the following:

1.The location stated in the claim does not correspond to the location of the military target, as they are (4500) meters apart.

2.The time stated in the claim at (1:00) am does not correspond to the time of the air mission carried out on the military target at (9:00) pm.

3.The claim stated that two cars were destroyed, while the video recording on the military target does not show any vehicles near it.

In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target (two houses) in (Sha’aban) area in (Razih) directorate of (Sa’ada) governorate, on (11/12/2017), as claimed.”

Source: Saudi Press Agency