
JOC Confirm Interest In Preparations For Completing The Electoral Process For Provincial Councils And Activating The Role Of Prison Inspection Committees

The Joint Operations Command confirmed interest in all preparations for completing the electoral process for the provincial councils and activating the role of prison inspection committees.

A statement by the Security Media Cell stated that Lieutenant General Qais al-Muhammadawi presided over the June briefing meeting of the Joint Operations Command, at the command headquarters, in the presence of the Chief of Staff, heads of agencies, directors and representatives of all security ministries.

At the beginning of the meeting, according to the statement, Al-Muhammadawi listened to the security reports of last month and the activities of the security forces by the heads of the bodies, stressing the need to intensify the development and capacity-building by confronting the challenges, as well as paying attention to all preparations for completing the electoral process for the provincial councils through the committees that were prepared for this purpose “.

The Deputy Commander of Joint Operations emphasized activating the role of the prison inspection committees and discussing the hosting of the concerned leaders for all the security sectors separately through a weekly teleconference for the purpose of analyzing the responsibility sector and identifying a number of points that contribute to overcoming the challenges, and some security incidents that took place in the past month were also diagnosed and analyzed.

The Deputy Commander of Joint Operations explained the importance of maintaining the momentum, putting pressure on terrorist elements, and facing security challenges, stressing the need to pay attention to training units, providing services to citizens, and contributing to supporting the relevant government agencies regarding the water and electricity crisis.

According to the statement, at the end of the conference, a number of important recommendations related to directives that contribute to developing and building capacities were approved, determining responsibility for their implementation, activating field follow-up to plans and recommendations issued by the leadership, and evaluation criteria for the performance of units in all sectors of responsibility.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency