
Joint Arab Meeting of Health, Finance Ministries Kicked off to Implement Arab Strategy for Health-Friendly Budget

Cairo: The joint Arab meeting of representatives from the ministries of health and finance in Arab countries kicked off yesterday at the Arab League. The meeting, organized by the Arab League in partnership with the World Health Organization (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office) and the United Nations Population Fund, will be held over two days to follow up on implementing the Arab strategy for a health-friendly budget and to review its goals.

Assistant Secretary General for Social Affairs at the Arab League Haifa Abu Ghazaleh said the meeting is being held to follow up on the decision regarding the launch of the Arab strategy for a health-friendly budget issued by the 59th regular session of the Council of Arab Health Ministers in May 2023 in Geneva.

This strategy comes within the framework of an initiative by the Arab League, guided and supported by the Council of Arab Health Ministers, to develop a strategic approach towards health-specific budgets. This is in line with the principle of “health in all
policies,” with the hope of mainstreaming health-friendly budgets in all member states of the Arab League.

Source: Saudi Press Agency