Foreign Affairs

Joint Russian-Chinese exercises in the Pacific

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced today, Friday, that the ships of the Russian Navy and the ships of the Chinese Navy conducted exercises on refueling and transporting goods on the move, during joint naval patrol missions in the Pacific Ocean.

“In the East China Sea, an exercise was conducted to replenish water and fuel supplies by ships, and to transport cargo on the move in a tangential manner,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

It added, “A detachment of ships belonging to the Russian Navy and the Chinese Army Navy is operating in the East China Sea, and has covered more than 6,400 nautical miles since the start of the patrols.”

It continued: “During this period, the sailors of the two countries conducted anti-submarine exercises, repelled an enemy air raid, conducted sea rescue exercises, and improved the skills of helicopters taking off and landing on the surface of warships.”

The joint force includes the Russian warships, “Admiral Tributs” and “Admiral Panteleev”, and the corvettes “Gremyashi” and “Aldar Tsydenjabov”, in addition to the medium naval carrier “Pechenga”.

On the Chinese side, the Chinese force includes the destroyers “Gui’an” and “Tse Zikar”, the monitoring ships “Tun Lin” and “Ji Chao”, and the multi-use supply ship “Taihu”.

The joint patrol mission aims to enhance military cooperation between Russia and China, contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, in addition to monitoring waterways and protecting the activities of the maritime economy of both Russia and China.

During the patrol period, the sailors of the two countries will carry out exercises for boarding and disembarking from the surface of ships, organizing all kinds of defense operations, refueling water and fuel during movement, and will conduct anti-submarine training, in addition to carrying out helicopter flights with takeoffs and landings on board ships.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency