
KSR: 2nd Kuwait medical relief team leaves to Gaza

Kuwait Society for Relief (KSR) announced, Monday, the departure of the second medical relief team consisting of 14 physicians and consultants from different medical and surgical fields to Al-Arish Airport heading towards Gaza’s hospitals.

In a statement to (KUNA), Head of the medical team Dr. Ibrahim Al-Saleh confirmed sending the Kuwaiti relief medical team to the Gaza Strip came within the framework of donations campaign, launched by Kuwait Relief and is still ongoing.

The team left with six tons of basic and necessary medical supplies and equipment, to help the health system in Gaza Strip and provide medical care and medications, especially for some critical cases and chronic diseases, he added.

The team will perform important surgical operations in various surgical specialties, in addition to implementing a number of other relief projects, most notably food and shelter projects, Dr. Al-Saleh noted.

He praised the efforts of the official and humanitarian agencies in Kuwait, Egypt and Palestine, and th
eir Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs In a similar statement, Treasurer of (KSR) Jamal Al-Nouri said in a similar statement to (KUNA) that the society decided to undertake the second relief trip due to the popular support the first flight received from Kuwaiti, Gulf and Arab people, and the calls for repeating such experiences.

During the first flight, the Kuwaiti medical team managed to perform nearly 184 surgical operations, in addition to more than 1,000 medical examination for wounded and sick people in hospitals in the Gaza Strip, Al-Nouri added.

The team also signed an agreement to employ 313 Palestinian medical staff, in addition to the team opening a medical point that will benefit 4,000 affected people in the Gaza Strip, in addition to other food and shelter charitable projects.

Source: Kuwait News Agency