
KSrelief Signs Agreement to Operate Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center in Taiz

Riyadh, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) and the International Wars and Disasters Victims Protection Associations (IRVD) signed an agreement to implement the Artificial Limbs and Rehabilitation Center project in Taiz, Yemen.

The director of the KSrelief Health and Environmental Assistance Department, Dr. Abdullah Al-Muallem, explained in a press statement that the center aims to provide physical rehabilitation services to people with special needs, diagnose their condition, determine the treatment plan for each patient individually, and install all types of prosthetic limbs for the beneficiaries.

It also aims to provide functional rehabilitation services for prosthetic limbs, raise the capabilities of the medical and technical staff professionally and scientifically, and reduce the migration of specialized medical and technical staff. The project is expected to benefit 3,360 individuals.

The agreement was signed by the KSrelief assistant general supervisor for operations and pr
ograms, Engineer Ahmed bin Ali Al-Baiz, at the center’s headquarters in Riyadh.

The agreement is part of a series of humanitarian and relief projects implemented by the Kingdom through KSrelief to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people amid their humanitarian crisis.

Source: Saudi Press Agency