
Kuwait Red Crescent mission shocked by tragic situation in Libya’s Derna

Head of Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) mission to Libya Dr. Musaed Al-Enezi said Thursday the situation is “tragic and beyond description” in the Libyan city of Derna, was hard hit by Storm Daniel early this week.

Speaking to KUNA by phone from Derna, Al-Enezi highlighted the need of more concerted efforts to speed up provision of every possible aid to “our Libyan brothers.” “KRCS team saw the extent of the massive destruction that befell the city and caused the killing, injury, and displacement of thousands of Libyans, describing the situation in the town as catastrophic,” he said.

Al-Enezi revealed that the victims of the flood disaster caused by Hurricane Daniel, which struck cities in eastern Libya last Sunday, exceeded 7,000 dead, in addition to thousands of injured and missing people. Al-Enezi said that the operations to extract victims from under the rubble of buildings swept away by the torrential rains are facing extreme difficulty, adding that the teams sent by the Libyan authorities lack modern devices and equipment. Al-Enezi added that the mission will work in coordination with the Libyan Red Crescent Society to distribute the Kuwaiti aid that arrived in Libya on two planes yesterday and today within a Kuwaiti air bridge and includes food supplies, medicines, medical supplies, tents, and rescue boats for those affected by the repercussions of the Hurricane Daniel disaster. The second relief plane from the Kuwaiti Air Bridge landed at Benina Airport in the Libyan city of Benghazi, carrying 41 tons of urgent aid for those affected by Storm Daniel. The first relief plane from the Kuwaiti Air Bridge arrived at Benina Airport yesterday carrying 40 tons of medical relief materials and rescue boats, accompanied by a Kuwait Red Crescent Society delegation headed by Dr. Musaed Al-Enezi. Storm Daniel is the most violent of its kind in over 30 years, as torrents swept away buildings, uprooted trees, and left thousands dead, missing, injured, and displaced.

Source: Kuwait News Agency