Foreign Affairs

Leaders and heads of state of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation call on the countries of the world to take action to stop the crime of genocide in Gaza

The leaders and heads of state of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation called on all countries of the world to take action to stop the crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to implement the precautionary measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, stressing that all efforts will be made to accelerate the arrival of all humanitarian aid, expressed their rejection of any attempts to displace the Palestinian people from their land.

At the conclusion of their summit yesterday in the Gambian capital, Banjul, the leaders and heads of state of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation affirmed their solidarity in confronting the humanitarian catastrophe befalling the Gaza Strip and its people due to the Israeli aggression that has continued for more than six months without respite or regard for the most basic moral and humanitarian values, calling for an immediate and uninterrupted ceasefire.

The leaders stressed the need to enable t
he Palestinian people to realize their legitimate national rights as recognized by the international community, including through its recognition of the Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and providing support for the State of Palestine to obtain full membership in the United Nations.

The leaders praised the solidarity of African peoples and governments with the struggle of the Palestinian people, specifically the member states of the organization, and their firm positions to end the historical injustice that has affected the Palestinian people, based on their bitter experience with ending colonialism and racial discrimination.

They stressed the importance of resorting to dialogue and mediation in resolving disputes in a way that provides a tension-free atmosphere between the countries of the Islamic nation, stressing the importance of strengthening preventive diplomacy in order to contribute effectively to establishing peace, protecting lives and resources, and
realizing the hopes and aspirations of our peoples for sustainable development.

The leaders expressed their solidarity with Muslim groups and communities in a number of non-member countries of the organization that suffer from persecution, injustice and aggression, affirming continued political, moral and diplomatic support for the people of Kashmir, and calling on the United Nations Security Council to take effective measures to implement its resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir to empower the people of Kashmir to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through a general referendum under the supervision of the United Nations.

They also expressed their deep concern about the increasing systematic persecution of Muslims and other minorities in India, which has led to their political, economic and social marginalization, and urged the Government of India to take the necessary measures to protect their lives and property and prevent any similar acts from occurring in the future.

The leaders called
on Member States and others to take all necessary measures, including legislative and policy measures, to combat religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred, incitement to violence and violence against persons on the basis of their religion or belief.

They affirmed their support for a peaceful, stable, prosperous and inclusive Afghanistan, emphasizing addressing the challenges facing the Afghan people, such as humanitarian challenges, human rights, ethnic groups, security and terrorism, drugs, and social challenges.

They stressed the importance of full respect for the human rights of all Afghans and the need to protect the basic rights of Afghan girls and women, in particular the right to education and work, and called for greater engagement with de facto authorities on these issues.

The leaders condemned in the strongest terms the repeated incidents of burning copies of the Holy Qur’an in a number of European countries, calling on the countries concerned and the international community to take co
mprehensive and necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such acts and to confront the disturbing growth of the phenomenon of Islamophobia.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency