
Makkah’s Pigeons Add Delight to Pilgrims

Makkah, Pigeons are a common sight in Makkah, often seen fluttering around the Grand Mosque and the central area. Their presence adds a sense of tranquility to the busy city, making them an endearing part of the Makkah experience of many pilgrims.

Makkah’s pigeons have vibrant colors around their long necks, a distinct feature that sets them apart from other pigeons and adds to their charm.

Pilgrims and visitors often take delight in feeding the pigeons, and they are often seen scattering seeds and breadcrumbs for these birds to peck.

They also pose amidst the fluttering flocks of pigeons for vibrant and unforgettable snapshots of their time in the holy city.

The Saudi Press Agency lens captured beautiful scenes of the flocks of pigeons near the Grand Mosque and the surrounding streets.

Source: Saudi Press Agency