Foreign Affairs

Malaysia Welcomes UNHRC call to stop arms sales to Israel

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia has welcomed the resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which calls on all States to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions, and other military equipment to Israel. “The resolution’s adoption aligns with Malaysia’s consistent advocacy for the UN Human Rights Council to uphold its charter-mandated duty to protect Palestinians from Israel’s unlawful and prolonged occupation, apartheid policies, and the exposure to severe human rights abuses, including crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes,” the Malaysian Foreign Ministry said in a statement late on Friday It also urged all States to ensure that Israel meets its obligations under international law, including the effective implementation of this resolution.

Malaysia reaffirmed its dedication to the Palestinian cause and will persist in its efforts to achieve an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, founded on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and seeks f
ull membership of Palestine.

Source: Kuwait News Agency