
Minister: Non-stop surprise tours to inspect bodies affiliated to Military Production Ministry

Minister of State for Military Production Mohamed Salah Eddin Moustafa stressed keenness on continued surprise inspection tours of the ministry’s affiliated bodies to follow up flow of work.

He made the remarks during a surprise inspection tour on Saturday of the armored production and repair factory (Military Factory 200) – which is affiliated to the ministry.

The minister inspected production lines and stood on performance indicators and the volume of sales.

The minister said the factory is one of the most important industrial axes of the ministry as it plays a key role in producing and repairing tanks and armored vehicles.

He added that the factory plays an important role in manufacturing civilian products and participating in several national projects, including green transports.

The minister gave directives on the importance of applying governance mechanisms, internal monitoring as well as revisiting production and marketing plans.

Source: State Information Service Egypt