
Ministry of Health Initiates Seasonal Flu Vaccination Campaign

In its ongoing efforts to promote preventive healthcare, the Ministry of Health is running a campaign to provide seasonal flu vaccinations at primary healthcare centers across the Kingdom. Appointments can be scheduled through the Sehhaty app.

The ministry pointed out that people with chronic illnesses, weak immune systems, those over 50, young children (6 months to 5 years), pregnant women, obese individuals, and healthcare workers are more prone to flu complications. Emphasizing the vaccine’s safety and necessity, especially for these at-risk groups, the ministry highlighted its proven efficacy in significantly reducing the likelihood of severe illness, ICU admissions, and fatal outcomes.

Preventing seasonal flu involves vaccination, handwashing, avoiding touching the face, using tissues when sneezing, and maintaining cleanliness. The vaccine helps protect against severe symptoms and prevents the spread of flu within families, especially among vulnerable individuals.

The ministry encouraged everyone t
o book their seasonal flu vaccine through the Sehhaty app, stressing the importance of annual vaccination due to flu virus changes. Elderly individuals were particularly urged to get vaccinated to enhance their immunity and reduce their risks of severe illness.

Through these concerted endeavours, the ministry aims to raise vaccination rates, lower flu cases, and decrease hospitalizations due to seasonal flu.

Source: Saudi Press Agency