
More than 75,000 Passengers Benefit from Qassim Bus Public Transportation Project

The bus public transport project in Buraidah and Unaizah is a high-quality public transport project that has already served over 75,000 passengers since its inauguration in July 2024, which demonstrates the project’s ability to meet the needs of the region’s citizens and residents, as well as to improve the quality of public transport.

The project encompasses a comprehensive network of routes that extends through Buraidah and Unaizah, including 210 stations, Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Qassim University, and the “SAR” train station.

The Qassim bus route has been integrated into Google Maps to enhance the user experience. This feature enables users to monitor the 12 routes on which 73 modern buses make an average of 1,320 trips per day.

The project has enhanced the efficiency of public transport and provides a comfortable experience for the residents and citizens of the region.

Source: Saudi Press Agency