
Naif Arab University Inaugurates Regional Workshop in Moscow on Protection of Oil Facilities: Risks and Threats

The President of Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Abdullah Al-Banyan, stressed that the university conducts numerous conferences, forums, and workshops as part of its annual program, which is derived from the resolutions of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers and Arab security strategies. These events aim to acquaint personnel in Arab security agencies with the latest developments in their fields, including financial fraud, artificial intelligence, drug control, combating emerging crimes, uncovering human trafficking gangs, migrant smuggling, sustainability, national security, and safety in the industrial sector.

Al-Banyan pointed out that – under the directives of Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Honorary President of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the University – the university seeks to enhance its Arab leadership and international status through a stra
tegic plan.

This plan aims to position the university as the premier institution for preparing Arab leaders and experts in security fields. It focuses on improving the quality of education, training, and scientific research, supporting decision-making, and formulating Arab security policies. All these efforts are facilitated by a team of elite Arab and international experts working in a motivating environment equipped with the latest security technologies. These efforts recently resulted in the university receiving full institutional accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The workshop, which will be held between August 27 and 29, will bring together 90 experts and specialists from Arab countries and relevant international organizations to explore modern technological methods for securing oil facilities and exchange expertise in civil protection and civil defense.

Al-Banyan made his remarks during his speech at the opening of the workshop “Protect
ion of Oil Facilities: Risks and Threats,” organized by the university in Moscow in partnership with the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Russian Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief.

He noted that the workshop is organized as part of the university’s commitment to expanding cooperation with international institutions and organizations, providing Arab security personnel with the opportunity to learn about the best global practices and exchange expertise on effectively addressing security challenges, including securing critical facilities. The event also aligns with the university’s obligations to the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, as it serves as the scientific body responsible for implementing the scientific aspects of Arab security strategies, including [the Arab strategy for combating terrorism and the Arab strategy for civil protection.

Director of the Fire Safety Institute Dr. Nikolai Kopylov praised Naif Arab University for Security Sciences’
efforts to enhance international cooperation in civil protection. He stressed the importance of collaboration and the need to exchange expertise to develop the capabilities of personnel working in these fields. He called for developing a strategic partnership between the two sides to achieve common goals.

Director of the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies Dr. Maxim Bedilo highlighted the importance of boosting joint efforts in academic and training programs and encouraging research aimed at disaster prevention and response, especially in the context of oil industry safety. He emphasized the need to exchange expertise on modern legislation, advanced firefighting technologies, emergency rescue operations, and innovative robotic systems based on digital technologies for firefighting control.

On the sidelines of the workshop, the university signed a memorandum of understanding with the Russian Agency for Supporting and Coordinating Russia’s Participation in International Humanitari
an Operations and the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies, affiliated with the Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

The agreements aim to enhance the capabilities of Arab security agencies and train expert personnel to face security challenges arising from disasters and crises as part of the university’s efforts in civil protection.

The workshop aims to acquaint participants with oil facilities and their specific security measures, international standards for securing installations, types of approved security plans, risk prediction, security risk assessment, and response mechanisms, and to explore modern technological methods for securing oil facilities. The workshop will also address the role of operations and control rooms in managing facility security.

Source: Saudi Press Agency