
National Competitiveness Center, UNCITRAL Hold ‘Preparing and Wording Regulations’ Program

The National Competitiveness Center (NCC) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) have held the “Preparing and Wording Regulations” Program, which addressed various methods for preparing high-quality laws and regulations.

The program’s objective, which saw the participation of representatives of several government legislative and executive stakeholders, aimed to familiarize participants with the basic aspects of the world’s legislative procedures, practices, tools and institutional arrangements, which appeared at the international level.

The program also discussed the role of regulations in achieving the overall objectives of the legislation, as well as addressing other tools to improve the quality of policies and regulations, including consultation within government agencies and with non-governmental stakeholders and the regulatory impact assessment (RIA), which measures the costs and outcomes of proposed policies and regulations.

Source: Saudi Press Agency